Well what can I say about paddling this time of year; certainly not much here in Southern Ontario.
This is the time to look back at those great warm weather memories and plan for next spring. Hmmm, do I plan for May…blackfly season…do I look at June or July…peak mosquito season…perhaps later in the season? Of course none of this really matters to dedicated paddlers. Whether you hit the water in a sleek lightweight canoe or play in the raging rapids with a kayak, things like weather, temperature, and bugs are just something you learn to accommodate.
Now is a great time to get together with friends and relive those memories of seasons past and to plan your adventures for 2009. A glass of wine, a roaring fire, and maps laid out on the floor; what better way to pass the long winter evenings.
Within the next month I will have added a large interactive database to http://www.sooutdoors.ca that will make it very easy for you to zoom in on specific destination, routes and paddling related information.
“Peace on earth; good will toward men.”