Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wildlife Habitat and Climate Change

These days we often here talk of climate change and the potential impact that global warming will have on our society. But what about the affect of climate change on wildlife and wildlife habitat.

According to Dr. Paul James, Director of Environmental Monitoring for the Province of Saskatchewan and a research fellow at the University of Regina, many of our wildlife species are completely dependant on a very narrow band of acceptable climactic and environmental conditions in order to survive. Serious study of the effects of climate change on habitat must be undertaken and planning models must be tuned to reflect the new reality.

In short, when an ecosystem undergoes a dramatic change it can no longer sustain resident and migratory wildlife populations. New species of plant and animal life take over and indigenous species disappear.

So why don’t animals and birds simply move as their habitat changes? The fact is that they do, and much can be learned by the studying the slow migration of species into regions where they were previously unknown. But what happens if they can’t move? Take the animals and birds of the northern tundra for example. They rely on food sources that are only produced in regions of permafrost. As the permafrost vanishes due to sustained periods of higher than normal temperatures new types of vegetation will take over. These species simply cannot move further north to find food sources because it will simply cease to exist.

Species like the ptarmigan, arctic fox, and polar bear will simply cease to exist. And guess what? It is very likely to happen in our lifetime. Many scientists firmly believe that this is a “when”, rather than an “if” scenario.

There are other fragile ecosystems like the prairie pothole region that runs from the north central US through Southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and into Southern Alberta. This ecosystem provides a stopover for almost every migratory bird along the Mississippi flyway accounting for 80% of the waterfowl in North America. This ecosystem is already at risk due to improper farming and development practices. Over the next 50 years the potholes that provide a safe secure stopover for a wide variety of waterfowl will simply cease to exist.

Don’t take my word for it! Do your own research and form your own opinion, but you will find that in spite of government rhetoric many of these changes are inevitable. Dr. James stated “Wildlife studies must now focus on how to plan for the new reality and forget about sustainable management models of the past.”

While governments dither, wildlife habitat disappears!

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©2009 Lloyd Fridenburg – All rights reserved click here for copyright permissions

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Optics for your Southern Ontario Paddling Adventures

Whether you’re hiking the rugged Bruce Trail, paddling the Grand river, or hunting in the farmlands of Southern Ontario a high quality pair of binoculars or spotting scope should be an essential part of your outdoors gear.

There are two schools of thought when it comes to binoculars; compact or full size. If you can manage a full size pair, that definitely is the way to go. Although you can buy some very high quality compact binoculars that will get the job done, the only real advantage they offer is the fact that they are indeed compact.

Full sized glasses allow for a larger objective lens; this is the end closest to your subject, providing the viewer with a crisper clearer image while capturing more light. This is particularly important during those times just before dawn and just after sunset when light begins to diminish.

People often get confused over the meaning of those numbers like 10x32 or 8x40 but I assure you there is no real mystery involved. The first number simply refers to magnification. For example, if the first number is 10 the object will appear to be 10 times larger than if it were viewed with the naked eye. The second number refers to the diameter of the objective lens. Again, this is the end closest to your subject. The larger the number, the greater the size; generally, bigger is better, but remember that overall size and weight will also increase.

Because of their high magnification and large objective lens, spotting scopes change your experience from that of a casual observer to a close-up participant. If you have the means to pack a scope you’ll be able to check out that trophy before you make the long trek up the mountainside, only to find that it wasn’t really a trophy after all. Serious birders will find that they are able to make highly accurate observations from a much longer distance than with a pair of binoculars.

Don’t be fooled by low cost knock-offs. In terms of quality you really do get what you pay for and there is no substitute for high quality glass and superior craftsmanship. Choose wisely and you’ll have a great outdoors accessory that will last a lifetime; and more.

©2009 Lloyd Fridenburg – All rights reserved click here for copyright permissions

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

GPS for Off-Road Navigation

The Global Positioning System, generally known as GPS has evolved into an accurate easy to use navigational aid for professionals and casual outdoors persons alike. Consumer GPS devices can be broken into three main categories; general purpose, automobile, and marine. For the purpose of this dissertation I’ll focus on the general purpose GPS, however they all work on the same basic principle; they are simply configured to optimize certain tasks.

In simple terms GPS units tune in to signals being sent from NAVSTAR satellites orbiting 12,000 miles above the surface of the earth. The accuracy of your GPS at any given time and place will vary depending on how many satellites you are tracking. The more satellites you are tracking at a given location the higher the degree of accuracy. The GPS then relates the signals from the satellites you are tracking to a specific position on earth letting you know, often within feet, where you are.

Even low end GPS units contain the basic functions necessary for navigation. They not only tell you where you are at a given time but allow you to save waypoints. A waypoint is simply a specific geographical location. For example you will want to mark your camp as a waypoint and if you are hiking or hunting, you will likely mark the location of your vehicle as a waypoint. You will then periodically mark trail crossings and other points of interest you may pass so you can easily return to them at some time in the future.

A set of waypoints can be saved to create a route, allowing you to follow a specific path over and over again. Or, you can use the “GO TO” function to select a specific waypoint – perhaps your car – that you want to head for. The arrow on your GPS will keep pointing to the waypoint until you reach it. You will also get information like distance traveled, distance to waypoint, and average speed. Even if you need to make a detour around a marsh or lake the arrow on your GPS will always point in the direction of the destination you have selected.

Higher end units give you the ability to download topographical maps, road maps, and charts directly to your GPS unit. You will not only see your location and waypoints but you will see them relative to the map you are using.

I would like to leave you with a word of caution before you head confidently into the wilderness with your new GPS. Sometimes I think GPS technology has become too easy to use, in fact it has become so easy to use that the average outdoors person is now able to get themselves into trouble in half the amount of time. That’s right, don’t use a GPS for wilderness travel unless you know how to use a topographical map and compass, and have them with you.

Here are a few cautions to keep in mind when using a GPS:

1. A GPS does not work, or may give inaccurate readings, under heavy tree cover!
2. A GPS does not always function well in river bottoms surrounded by high hills or cliffs!
3. A GPS can be affected by dense cloud cover and adverse weather conditions!
4. A GPS requires power to work! Loose you batteries and you’ve lost your ability to navigate with a GPS.
5. Use the neck lanyard or wrist strap. Most units don’t float.

The portable GPS has opened opportunities for outdoors lovers that were only dreamed of 15 years ago. I highly recommend that a GPS becomes a part of your outdoor gear, but learn how to use it and never head into the wilderness without a compass and topographical map. Getting lost in Southern Ontario farmland is an inconvenience; getting lost in our huge northern forests can be life threatening.

Be sure to keep updated with information about all your Southern Ontario outdoors activities at

©2009 Lloyd Fridenburg – All rights reserved click here for copyright permissions

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Paddler’s Camera

Today I want to talk about a piece of paddling gear that is all too often found sitting on a shelf in the closet at home instead by your side where it belongs. Whether you favor the canoe or a kayak a good quality digital camera should be an essential part of your adventure gear, so you can relive those precious moments for years to come.

With today’s technology you don’t need to break the bank to produce fantastic pictures. Even at the lower end of the price scale you can buy a great digital camera that will produce 5 to 8 mega pixels of resolution with all the features you’ll ever need. Unless you intend to make a poster sized print, resolution over 5 mega pixels is not really noticeable, so don’t get too hung up on resolution.

Instead consider things like compactness, ease of use, and weather resistance. Do you need something that’s waterproof – a good idea for fishermen and paddlers? And of course how much zoom capability you want.

Often a matter of personal preference and feel, you’ll want something that is easy for you to use in the field. You don’t want to be scrolling through menus as you watch that family of loons slip into the reeds, or constantly push the zoom button because it’s located where they shutter button should be.

When selecting the amount of zoom capability you want stick with the optical zoom numbers. Many cameras offer a combination of optical and digital zoom, but be careful when using digital zoom because as the zoom increases the resolution decreases and your perfect shot could wind up being nothing more than a grainy blur. Look for a camera that won’t automatically switch to digital zoom when you reach the maximum range of your optical zoom.

Whenever you get new camera use it, and use it a lot. Get familiar with all of the features so selecting the correct setting becomes as natural as depressing the shutter button. One of the real benefits that digital photography has brought to outdoors enthusiasts is that you can produce literally thousands of photos and it doesn’t cost you a cent. Unlike the days of film anyone can afford to take several shots of the same image and decide later which one is a keeper.

Capturing memories of your paddling adventures is something that should be just as important as the activity itself. Whether it’s a picture of Uncle Joe upside down in a kayak, your daughter’s first solo run down a set of rapids, or the glow of a Grand River sunset as the campfire starts to crackle, having your camera at the ready will keep those memories alive for a lifetime.

©2009 Lloyd Fridenburg – All rights reserved click here for copyright permissions

Friday, May 15, 2009

5 Cold Weather Tips for Southern Ontario Campers and Paddlers

If it’s one thing you can count on at the start of the annual camping season it’s that you can’t count on the weather. The month of May can be a bit unpredictable in Southern Ontario with temperatures ranging from mid 20s C to below freezing. After a long cold winter we welcome the heat, but cold is another story.

So what is an outdoors enthusiast to do besides taking everything from your bathing suit to your winter parka along with you? Well there are a few precautions you can take to lessen the chance of frostbite on your first few camping trips of the season.

1. Keep an eye on weather trends for several days prior to your departure and be sure you are monitoring local weather for the region where you will be camping. Be prepared for anything but knowing what temperatures you are likely to encounter will ensure you have the right equipment and clothing with you. Or, maybe you’ll just decide to wait for a warmer weekend.

2. Take along a few packages of hand warmers. They are inexpensive and work great. Just follow the directions and pop one in your pocket, in your shoes, or even in your sleeping bag to add that extra bit of warmth.

3. Be sure your sleeping bag is rated for at least -10c. Personally I can’t think of anything more miserable than a restless night’s sleep because my feet are cold or I had to wear every piece of clothing I brought to bed to keep from freezing.

4. Depending on the size of your tent a propane tent heater will provide some added comfort, but be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

5. Pack layers of clothes that can be added or removed depending on the temperature, including a waterproof outer layer. Even if it doesn’t rain a waterproof outer layer is great at retaining heat and keeping out the wind and dampness while sitting around the campfire. And of course, sitting around the campfire with good friends is one of the best chill chasers ever.

Don’t be put off by cold weather; proper planning, proper equipment, and proper clothing can turn a cold miserable experience into a great weekend of camping or paddling in our great Southern Ontario Outdoors.

©2009 Lloyd Fridenburg – All rights reserved click here for copyright permissions

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Toronto Sportsmen's Show Moving to New Digs

It hit me like a hammer; the Toronto Sportsmen’s Show is moving! That’s right folks after 63 years at the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) grounds Southern Ontario’s largest outdoors show, the Toronto Sportsmen’s Show, is moving to the Toronto Convention Centre.

I’m going to give this a while to sink in before wading in with my personal opinions of the move but I’m sure there will not be many fence sitters when it comes to the new venue. For those in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) the Convention Centre is very accessible and convenient for those that use public transit. For those of us coming from out of town it’s nothing more than a logistical nightmare. Oh well, decisions are made and this was likely not a knee-jerk reaction.

For now let’s take a trip down memory lane.

The Toronto Sportsmen’s Show has been a part of my life for just about as long as I can remember, so that means that I’m only a few years shy of having been there from the beginning. My grandparents lived in the east end of Toronto when I was growing up so events like the Sportsmen’s Show provided a great, low cost way for my parents to keep us kids amused for a few hours when we made the trip from Wingham to the big city.

Up until a few years ago the Toronto Sportsman’s Show occupied the Coliseum building at the CNE. Although the larger venue provided by the Direct Energy Building was greatly needed, it did in my opinion, loose all of its character and became just another show when the move took place.

Some of my fondest memories are of jostling crowds, the smell of hay in the arena, creaking floorboards, and a multitude of stairways and hidden corridors. And then there was the ever present smell of pipe smoke. Those were the days when Brigham pipes used to sell their factory seconds for a very cheap price and were set up right across the aisle from a tobacco vendor. No, I’m not a smoker and certainly don’t advocate smoking, but that was a different era and like everyone else I became a pipe smoker for a day. To this day the smell of pipe smoke conjures up images of camping supplies, fishing tackle, and creaking floors.

I remember buying my first upscale fishing rod there; it was a Berkley Bionix and when you bought one you got a Berkley Lightning Rod for free. I never did care for the Bionix, but the Lightning Rod has accompanied me on every fishing trip since the mid 70’s and has landed – and lost – tons of fish.

Over the years we have bought tents, backpacks, fishing tackle, and every new gadget on the market. You know, now that I think of it the move to the Convention Centre may not be that much of a stretch. The move from the Coliseum for me was like loosing an old, albeit smoky, friend.

The great outdoors is still very much alive in Southern Ontario and the Toronto Sportsmen’s Show, regardless of the venue, will always be a memorable part of it.

©2009 Lloyd Fridenburg – All rights reserved click here for copyright permissions

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Ultimate Kayak for Southern Ontario Urbanites

When I meet other outdoor enthusiasts it’s only a matter of time before the discussion turns to our shared passion for outdoor pursuits. When we talk about canoes and kayaks there seems to be a common concern amongst urbanites, who make up the vast majority of outdoor enthusiasts in Southern Ontario; that is, storage and transportation.

“Man, I’d love to own a kayak to take along camping or to use for a leisurely paddle down one of Southern Ontario’s many rivers, but I just don’t have room to keep it. I live in an apartment and drive a compact car. It’s just not worth the hassle.”

If that thought echoes true with you then get ready for something that will blow you away, and still leave a bit of coin in your wallet. Ever heard of a company called Folbot? Did you know that they have been building folding kayaks for ¾ of a century? Well neither had I until recently.

I must admit that I haven’t actually slipped into the cockpit of a Folbot yet, but the concept certainly has me intrigued. Their lineup ranges from two seater sea kayaks to smaller kayaks that weigh in at a mere 24 pounds, and slip into a backpack that will comfortably fit into virtually any back seat or trunk. Some models are even compact enough to strap on your back while you’re biking. Just imagine biking to the stream or lake with your watercraft on your back. Talk about the ultimate eco friendly solution!

You can learn more about these practical folding kayaks at And you can watch a video and judge for yourself at According to David AvRutick, President of Folbot, all North American sales (including Canada) are direct from factory to the customer, and each kayak comes with a 30 day “no questions asked” return policy and a lifetime warranty.

Myself, I’ve never owned a kayak for the simple reason that the garage is already full. But, I do think I can find a place for one of these compact wonders. Hmm, I wonder if I can slide this one past my wife.

Southern Ontario is an oasis of waterways. We have everything from the Great Lakes to shallow marshlands; from the mighty Niagara River to the gentle Grand or Thames. Whatever your preference or mode of transportation, get out and enjoy Southern Ontario’s waterways this spring.

©2009 Lloyd Fridenburg – All rights reserved click here for copyright permissions

Sunday, February 1, 2009

4 Southern Ontario Winter Paddling Strategies

It sure is hard to think of paddling placid lakes, playing in rapids, or watching the sun set behind your wilderness campsite when we haven’t seen a letup in the snow and cold since mid-November here in Southern Ontario.

1. Plan - What better time to pull out the maps and start planning you spring and summer getaways. Gather your companions, grab a bottle of good wine, a warm fire and enjoy a winters evening in dreamland.

2. Read – Even if that’s not in the cards, there are ways to keep your canoeing and kayaking lifestyle in balance throughout the winter. A good book will help you take a mini vacation without leaving your living room. A few that come to mind right off hand are:

* Path of the Paddle by Bill Mason
* Song of the Paddle by Bill Mason
* Cottage Country Canoe Routes by Kevin Callan
* How to Shit in the Woods by Kathleen Meyer

These books will not only refresh some paddling and wilderness skills but will, if only for a time, take you to that place that you long for under the winter ice and snow.

3. Listen & Learn - Many wilderness supply stores in Southern Ontario offer courses in the winter that range from paddling basics to advanced survival skills. One local outfitter offers what they call their Armchair Series. Adventure Guide in Waterloo ON, offers a free series of seminars starting in mid January and running until mid April. You will meet notable outdoors experts like Setphanie Park, John Pratt, Mike Allen, and Kevin Callan.

You can download a schedule of seminars at or call 519-886-3121 for more information.

4. Browse - Don’t forget, what I like to call the first sign of spring, the Toronto Sportsmen’s Show. This is definitely not strictly a “hook and bullet” show. There are events, displays, and vendors to satisfy the tastes of all outdoor enthusiasts.

The show runs from March 18 – 22, a great place to take the kids, big or small, during March break. You can find show times, details, and purchase tickets online at

Take heart wilderness lovers, our Southern Ontario winter will end, lakes will thaw, and streams will run. Our time is at hand.

©2009 Lloyd Fridenburg – All rights reserved click here for copyright permissions